Saturday, August 2, 2008


During the week we took the kids raspberry picking. It was a lot of fun. We got loads of berries. Some have been made into trifle, LOTS have been eaten and we have frozen several pounds for later. Brian is back there with the two girls today to get more. It was really nice being out in the sun, amongst the berry bushes and eating warm fresh berries straight of the vine. Yum!

Today I went shopping for snacks and last minutes supplies for our 12 year old to take to Scout Camp. Having tons of snacks is half the fun apparantly. He leaves early on Monday morning. The next couple of weeks we will have kids coming and going with camp and visits to their mother. Its funny the difference having one kid gone makes to life around here. You wouldn't think just one being gone would be a big deal but it is. I guess its one less person fighting and arguing with siblings!

Last night a bunch of houses in our street were egged. So this morning 17yr old was out with the scrubbing brush and hose cleaning it off. He's a good boy. Its very annoying and seems to be happening a lot in our town recently. Last night was our streets turn! I assume its teenagers or kids (I'm sure its possible its not and if its adults its even more disturbing) and I have wonder where their parents think they are. We weren't in bed until after 11pm and would have heard if had happened before then. Oh well. There are worse things that could happen.

I'm not sure what we are doing for the rest of the weekend but its nice we don't have to do anything. We can do what want or do nothing. Relaxing.

1 comment:

Mrs. H. said...

Thank you for entering my giveaway! So nice to meet you. :-)