Its always the same when the kids go away. B
efore they leave I think I'm going to enjoy the time alone. I do enjoy it but then it starts to feel too quiet. I get lonely. I
have nothing to do. No, thats not it, I
mean I have
plenty to do to keep me busy. I'm not someone who is lost without children to look after and really they do most things for themselves but it would seem that I miss
their company and having people around me. Going from being
single, living alone and only having
myself to think of to suddenly
having a large
instant family was really challenging. I guess I still think it should be challenging and that I need a break now and again because I felt that way for a long time. But I think the reality is that its
ok now. No more challenging than parenting is for anyone else. I
can do it. I'm used to it and I quite enjoy it! I look forward to them getting home and life going back to normal. I am going to make the most of the few quiet days I have left but I won't be dispppointed when they are over.
What have I been doing? Research (and knitting and eating and watching movies). Why? Well, this summer we decided that the two girls would be homeschooled next school me. Eeek! I'm really looking forward it and have some really good curriculums that I'm looking at trying. Its a bit daunting though. There is so much to choose from. Our 17 year old is starting a program at Community College and our 12yr old does very well at school and wants to stay so its just the two girls. They are really excited about it too. The best bit...lots of shopping coming up. Books, curriculum items and best of all SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I love school supplies. Notebooks, pens, highlighters, more pens. Oh joy!
*The picture is of a kit that can be bought at Educational Products Inc
Ah yes, school supplies. Bliss.
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