Friday, October 17, 2008

Home Alone

Well, kind of. Brian goes to St Louis next week for work and 17year old is at his mothers for a couple of weeks so as of Sunday its just me and the younger three kids. As I'm still jumpy from reading The Uninvited and the kids keep finding the bathroom door locked (from the inside) and empty I may be sleeping with light on hahaha. I don't have high hopes for this guy protecting me.

My wrist still hurts alot so I reluctantly keep following doctors orders by wearing my brace and not knitting. Its getting old I can tell you. Get better!!!!!

As Halloween is nearly upon us there are lots of horror movies of both the classic and crappy kind on TV. Yay! I'm happy. Although with the girls here homeschooling I can't sit and watch them all day. I watch them once every ones in bed and yes, I know it won't help with my scaredy catness when B is away but I'll still be watching.


Anonymous said...

No, Simon doesn't look like he'd be much of a guard dog. More of a cuddle dog I think.

Maybe you need to take up something else to replace knitting until your wrist is better .... don't you have an excellent overlocker and a sewing machine? Huh?

Get to it.

Moyra said...

Ahem! Yes, that is true. Shut up!