Monday, November 3, 2008

Please hurry and come Election day. I have lived in this country during an election year but it was my first year and I was shell shocked from arriving in a new country and having a new husband with six (ahem ) adorable children so I didn't take in much of the political hoopla. This time around I'm settled in and part of the community here so I'm right in the middle of it and oh my god, it seems to have been going on forever. I am so over it. I was over it in February! It just seems to have really dragged. I've heard other people say this so it's not just me. Now, the problem isn't so much what's going on out there. I can turn off the TV and radio and ignore whatever is on the Internet. My problem is that I married into a family of know it alls*. Not pleasant people who actually do know all and are modest and it keep it themselves, like me. I mean loud know alls who think we all need to know just how much they know and they will make sure we all hear it. 11 year old know all has been going on and on and on....well, you get idea, about politicians and the election and who she is going to vote for. Tsk! We are all forced, on a daily basis, to listen to her profound and well researched opinions on everyone. Things like " is evil", or "Obama rocks. I love that one speech he made" etc. While I'm sure it's great that she is interested in politics and what is happening to her country I really don't want to hear it screeched at me 50 times a day. And yes, its screeched. "OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S GREAT!" So tomorrow the change I will get will be peace...for a day or so. Oh and I am very interested in the results and I do care who wins but please lets stop talking about it now.

* Don't worry, I have said this to their faces and it's fine. They think of it as a compliment actually.

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