Thursday, November 13, 2008

There's a really nice, big moon tonight (way bigger than it looks in the picture). It's a really crisp night. Lovely. I also have a tag that my sister did. Here's what you do

1.Go to your sixth picture folder then pick your sixth picture.
2.Pray that you remember the details.
3.Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.

Here's mine

Its the information board at Bear Meadow near Mount St Helens. It explains about a photographer who was there when the big eruption happened. He stood there taking pictures (as seen on the board)before he realised the hot ash filled cloud was coming at him fast. He and his colleagues ran and got in their car and drove off through the darkness caused by the cloud that was still coming. It's a great story but not much of a picture. My sixth picture couldn't have been one of the actual mountain. Oh no.

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